2025 Video Pricing
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Highlight Film
Move the slider to your preferred highlight length
Choose your preferred highlight length

Creative Short Film
Fully edited, time-shift highlight with dialogue and music
Fully edited, time-shift highlight with dialogue and music

Basic Edit
Fully edited, chronological highlight with music only
Fully edited, chronological highlight with music only

Rough Cut
Maintain full creative control and start your edit refreshed with all the tedious tasks already complete
Maintain full creative control and start your edit refreshed with all the tedious tasks already complete

Long Form
Full Length
Ceremony 15min or less
Ceremony 1 hr or less
Ceremony 3 hrs or less
Rehearsal Dinner Speeches
Reception 1.5hr
Reception 3hr
A La Carte
Bride Preparation

Groom Preparation

Full Tea Ceremony/Games

Tea Ceremony - 10min or under

Cocktail hour / people

Photo Location

Reception Entrance

Formal Dances

Dancing (15min or less)

Dancing (60min or less)