Terms and Conditions

There are terms of agreement when engaging in editing services provided by Nobacklog.
For each new booking, you will indicate with a tick that you agree to the terms outlined on this page.
Raw Media Delivery

Raw media can be delivered to us via hard drive (courier delivery) or online (ie. Dropbox).

Online delivery: Our preferred method for online delivery is via Dropbox or Google Drive.

Once uploaded you then supply us the download link to the Media section of Nexus. We will contact you once the download is complete to advise of the files we have received. If anything is incorrect, please contact us as soon as possible.

Hard drive (courier delivery): Nobacklog will organize a courier pickup on your behalf via DHL. Ensure all media has been transferred properly to your hard drive to avoid editing delays. Make sure your hard drive is well protected. Usually the box you bought the hard drive in is sufficient, or plastic bubble wrap. DHL will provide a plastic satchel. To avoid excess courier fees, ensure your packaging is under the volumetric weight 120 or 8x5x3 inches. DHL charge not only on weight but on physical volume. Nobacklog will take all care of your hard drive, but will not be liable for any damage or hard drive failure.

Media must be provided by the Asset Deadline in order for us to meet the Estimated Delivery Date. We do not leverage additional fees on your studio if items are delivered later than expected. If we need to delay the starting date of your project due to factors that you are in control of, then your project may be pushed behind the project next in que. This means you could experience a 5-10 business day delay even if an item is delivered a single day later than the Asset Deadline.

There are currently no additional charges or discounts related to the type of files you provide (Proxy or 4K). This is subject to change in future, without prior notice.

Lead times

Our delivery times (lead times) vary depending on a few factors. We have a limited number of editors, and can 'book out' well in advance of wedding dates.

We suggest ordering with us as soon as you have a retainer from your client, and you are relatively sure you want Nobacklog to edit the project. There is no payment required at the time of order, and you can cancel, upgrade or downgrade any order before we start editing without penalty.

The home page of Nexus gives an estimate of the editing allotment availability we have, specific to your selected editing platform. For example, you can see an 8 month chart showing how busy Nobacklog is with Premiere Pro projects, per month. This information in general in nature, and does not apply specifically to availability for any one client.

Availability of editors is the primary element that dictates lead times. Beyond this, other elements effect lead times including:

  • How many projects you are trying to order
  • How many projects you already have in your schedule
  • Whether you’re on the Master Editor program
  • If there are specific editors that must do your projects

The order form also provides information about potential delays, such as the Standby Edit program that may or may not be active at the time of your order.

A film is not accepted as ‘booked with Nobacklog’ until you see an Estimated Delivery Date range in Nexus. This date indicates when we should be delivering the first version of a film. We understand the schedule more accurately as time advances, so we may adjust an Estimated Delivery Date at any time, but especially as the project comes near completion. We will advise you via email if we delay an Estimated Delivery Date. It is your responsibly to login to Nexus to check Estimated Delivery Dates – emails are not always successfully received.

Estimated Delivery Date is not a guaranteed delivery. Nobacklog will not be liable for any costs associated with a late delivery. Please allow sufficient time with your client to accommodate a late delivery, or the review process between your studio and Nobacklog. If you are not responsive, or slow to respond to our questions, or miss an Asset or Payment Due Date, then the Estimated Delivery Date may change, and substantially. Our role is a creative process and there are potential technical issues unique to a project, Nobacklog is unable to guarantee any specific lead time.

Studio Profile

Due to the creativity of the editing process, and the technical nature of post-production, Nobacklog needs to understand your style and preferences. It is a requirement that you complete your Studio Profile with as much detail as practical.

Creative Freedom

By signing this agreement, you are granting trust and latitude of freedom for Nobacklog to edit the films to the best of our ability and closest to the style of work possible you have provided. 

By completing your Studio Profile, and adding editing notes unique to each project, you help ensure the most favourable outcome. 

Nobacklog will match you with the most suitable editor available. To help ensure you receive a consistent outcome, we will do our best to match you with the same editor for each project. We cannot guarantee however the same editor will be available to you every time. To improve the likelihood of working with your editor consistently, please book projects as far in advance as practical – we recommend as soon as you have a retainer from your client. 


Your Studio Profile provides three standard options related to music: 

1) Nobacklog selects from Musicbed

2) You provide per film, uploading to Nexus

3) You upload a library to your Nexus Studio Profile

If you provide us watermarked music for a project, we can swap at a later date to non-watermarked versions without charge as part of the standard Revision Process. 

If you request Nobacklog selects the song for a film, either from Musicbed, your profile or another list you provide, and then you later request a change to songs in your revision request, please note: Nobacklog will not second a song a second time. When you request a song change, to a song we selected, you must advise us of a specific replacement song. If you would like us to select a second time, fees apply. 

Music licensing

Nobacklog is not responsible or liable for licensing of music, unless it has been provided by us through MusicBed. You are held responsible for licensing music in your completed films if required by law in your country. You need to check that the MusicBed licence we supply to you is relevant for the ways in which you distribute and share films. 

For each project in which we supply any music we select from Musicbed, we will supply: 

1) The music file

2) The Musicbed SyncID code

3) A PDF of the lisence agreement 

Nobacklog will supply Musicbed with your studio name, your website, and your clients first names in order to complete the Musicbed lisence to the legal standards they require. 

Not all tracks on Musicbed are available for provision by Nobacklog. Only tracks on the "subscription roster" are available from Nobacklog at no fee. If you ask us to source a track that is not included in the "subscription roster", we can only provide a watermarked version, and we can't provide a license (additional costs apply if you want us to provide a licensed version without watermark).

Return of completed films

Nexus has a sophisticated system for Preview, Revision, Approval and Delivery of films on each project.

You will be notified via email for each version of an individual film that is Ready for Preview. If your account is paid, as per our Terms, we release all assets, including a project file.

Nobacklog renders low resolution, low bit rate films for Preview in SmartReview. Not all film selections within the ordering process include a rendered Preview in SmartReview. For some types of films, typically long films, unless selected otherwise in your order, you will need to open the project file and review the film. SmartReview will still be available for the Revision Request process, even without a rendered Preview.

We only provide a rendering service for high resolution “Exported” versions of the film if selected within the ordering process. If your raw media was delivered to us on hard drive, we reserve the option to keep your hard drive until ALL projects on the hard drive have been Completed. We do not provide any files we have created on the return hard drive (for example, project files or rendered films). Hard drives are returned to you with exactly the same contents you sent to us – we only use it to access and download your files to our server. Our return file delivery process is purely digital and completed within Nexus, using associated services such as Dropbox.

Media Archive

It is your responsibility to ensure you have complete backups of all media before sending us files online or on a hard drive. Nobacklog is not a media backup service.

It is highly recommended you have files stored at multiple locations at all times, not including files sent to us. Nobacklog will take care of files provided to us, but will not be responsible for loss or damage of media. 

We reserve the right to, with no liability, at any time during the production process, re-request any assets on unlimited occasions, in order to deliver our service. 

As the size of raw footage is considerable, Nobacklog may delete it quickly after a project is no longer considered in-production. 

Nobacklog clients must download all provided project files within 30 days of a film being Archived. 

Nobacklog will not request your approval, and not advise you when we remove files. It’s critical that you download all files within 30 days of project Archive (regardless of whether you manually Archived the project, or Nexus automatically Archived without your approval).

If you are unresponsive to communications from Nobacklog, projects process through Approval, Delivery, Completion and Archive processes automatically. Nobacklog clients have full responsibility to regularly check for email communications from Nobacklog, and login to Nexus regularly to access files. Nobacklog has no responsibility or liability to follow up clients to provide project deliverables.


The relationship between your studio and Nobacklog is strictly confidential. All information and media shared with Nobacklog is kept private and not shared with any other party without your consent.

All footage, completed edited films, and project files remain copyright to your studio. Nobacklog only acts on behalf of your studio to complete the post-production process. No attribute or recognition by you to us is required. If Nobacklog would like to use any of your footage or completed works as promotional material, we will always ask for your permission first.

After approval of each film, you will be asked to review films, and occasionally, our service generally. All feedback provided is confidential, but may be shared with people employed by Nobacklog.


Nobacklog has a sophisticated system for accepting, tracking and managing payments that provides many benefits to our clients. 

Nobacklog does not accept payment at the time of project order. We need to review our capacity to deliver your order and understand if the charges applied are correct, given that your studio may need to be placed on the Senior Editor Program (for example). 

Once a project is scheduled and an Estimated Delivery Date is set, Nexus will display a Payment Due Date. Payment on a project is restricted to within three weeks of the Payment Due Date. This is because clients may cancel, upgrade, downgrade or otherwise adjust the order. Nobacklog does not require payment to schedule and secure the order. If you see an Estimated Delivery Date in Nexus, you can be assured Nobacklog has accepted the project and secured an editing allotment. 

Our payment facilities offered depend on a range of factors, and Nobacklog reserves the right to delete, modify or require certain payment methods. 

If you request a change to a project after payment has been made, that results in additional fees, we may invoice you via PayPal outside of Nexus. If you request a change that results in a refund being due, Nobacklog reserves the right to move this credit to another unpaid upcoming project, instead of refund you.

Refunds are only made to the original payment method.

Modifying Orders


Nobacklog does not accept payment at the time of order. The system will request payment as the edit starting date approaches.

You can upgrade, downgrade or cancel any film on any order, without penalty or cost as long as the edit has not started. If you have paid, Nobacklog provides a 100% refund on any cancellation request, as long as the edit has not begun. Once an edit has begun, Nobacklog reserves the right to withhold any amount, up to 100% of the total fee for the cancelled item.

This cancellation policy applies to any type of order, but requires the refund occurs via the same payment method and account (credit card etc.).

Cancellation of a film, project or order can be made by commenting on the Activity Board, or emailing our team: [email protected]

 Edit Priority

Editing priority can be changed by contacting our team. Please note, if you request a change in priority, it may delay expected turnaround times for another project in que.

Rewards Program

As a Nobacklog customer, you automatically join and receive points on our Rewards Program. The program provides discounts on the price of services. 

Discounts are calculated and applied at the time of payment (not the time of ordering). Nexus will look at your Rewards Program discount entitlement at the time of payment, and apply the discount. 

Nexus may calculate and display potential savings within the ordering process, however the actual discount is only calculated and applied at the time of payment. 

Every $1 USD spent equals 1 loyalty reward point. Automatic calculations occur to apply reward points for other currencies. Points are earnt and applied to your balance at the time of payment (not at the time of order). Points expire 365 days after you earn them.  


To see how the Rewards Program applies to your account, visit the menu option titled "Rewards Program" in your Nexus account. 

Nobacklog reserves the right to adjust or remove the Rewards Program at any time, without notice. Rewards are not redeemable for cash, and are not transferable. 

Nexus Functionality

Your studios information in Nexus is kept private and secure.

Some elements of Nexus contain complex calculations. While comprehensive testing has already been carried out, please be aware that the occasional unexpected error or miscalculation may still occur. Nobacklog will continue to resolve any unexpected bugs in the system as required. Please inform us immediately if you think there is information that is incorrect. We reserve the right to charge additional fees for errors in calculations that result in under-charging of services.

Fair Use Revision Process

Nobacklog allows you to submit Revision Requests in order to provide a film that meets the stylistic guidelines of your studio and is consistent with your catalogue of films. 

The pricing of the product permits for three rounds (sets) of revisions within 30 days of delivery of the first version of a film. Please consider:

  1. 30 days after we send the first version of the film, the revision process closes. This means that Nexus will automatically mark the film as Approved, and you will not be entitled to additional rounds of revisions within the original price paid for the product. 
  2. The film will be auto-approved regardless of how many rounds of revisions have been completed. For example, if you have not been available to review the film for 30 days, version 1 may auto-Approve and you are not entitled to receive any revisions without Reactivating the Film. 
  3. If the 30 days lapses during the process of delivering an updated version, when the updated version is delivered, it will be auto-approved. 
  4. The 30 days does not reset when we deliver an updated version. It is fixed at the date we delivered the first version. 
  5. Nobacklog is not required to remind you about the 30 day closure. Nexus will send emails to advise of the initial delivery of the film, although unsuccessful delivery of this email will not entitle a studio to Reactivate a film without fees. Studios must regularly login to Nexus when they have active projects. 

When you are submitting revisions, you are required to:

  1. Promptly provide revision requests, to complete all revision rounds you require prior to the 30-day cut-off 
  2. Be comprehensive with each round of revision requests 
  3. Be descriptive and provide constructive feedback 
  4. Click the Submit Revision button before exiting SmartReview 
  5. Ensure that the timestamp feature is working, and advise us of any technical issues with SmartReview 

When requesting a song change request:

  1. If Nobacklog selected the song for you, if you require a song change, Nobacklog does not select a second time. Please provide the name of the replacement song you’d like from Musicbed, or provide the song track itself. 
  2. If you selected the song and then require Nobacklog change the song in a revision request: 
    1. for Highlight Films, we reserve the right to charge an addition editing fee, 
    2. for Full Length films, we will do this request on one round per film without charge. 

Turn-around times on Revisions:

  1. The typical turnaround time for 10-15 revision requests on a 5 minute Creative Highlight film without color services is 4-6 business days. 
  2. Turn around times differ, and are subject to: the type of film, the number and difficultly of revisions requests, holiday closures, editor availability, colourist availability. 

You may need to ‘Reactivate’ a film in Nexus.

This occurs when the film status has manually, or automatically been moved to Approved, Completed or Archived. Reactivating, involves reversal to a previous Status of the film, such as Preview Ready, allowing you to submit revisions again. Regardless of whether you manually Approved a film, or if Nexus automatically Approved a film (subject to the terms above), Nobacklog reserves the right to charge a fee for Reactivation. You can assume a minimum fee of $100 USD. Depending on the number and complexity of revisions, whether Nobacklog still has media files, or other factors, the charge for Reactivation can be higher. 

Technical vs subjective revision requests: 

  1. Subject to the other terms above, Nobacklog will complete without limitation, technical revisions. 
  2. Subject to the other terms above, Nobacklog limits subjective, stylistic revision requests. Nobacklog will achieve a film that replicates the information you have provided in your Profile. Nobacklog is not required to research your studio beyond information provided in your Profile. Nobacklog will only complete one round of revision requests that appear to originate from the wedding couple. This round of revision requests is limited to 20 individual requests. Nobacklog will not “re-work” an entire film unless it is substantially different from information provided in your Profile. 

Nobacklog supports clients by providing revision services, however as per the terms above, sometimes studios will be liable to pay additional fees for these services. 

Should Nobacklog deem that subject to the terms above, your requests do not meet our described limitations, we reserve the right to discontinue further revisions, and consider the process complete, without liability.

Senior Editor Program

Nobacklog collaborates with a wide variety of wedding studios from around the world.

We continually monitor the technical, stylistic, creative and workflow needs of each unique client. This allows us to deliver a reliable and quality service that meets your needs. Some studios have more complex requirements, that exceed average industry requirements, including but not limited to: 

  • Creative and stylistic approaches in the edit to achieve premium wedding films
  • Technical editing preferences
  • Workflow requirements
  • Shooting approaches that result in a more complex edit
  • File size and camera settings 

These categories above cause both additional time required by the editor, and higher degrees of editing expertise. The Senior Editing Program from Nobacklog pairs the most talented editors on our team with studios that require above-average editing outcomes. 

Often, it can take a few projects with Nobacklog to establish whether a studio needs to be placed on the Senior Editor Program. For other clients, we're able to advise before collaborating that you'll need to be placed on the Senior Edtior Program. Established clients may also be advised they are required to move onto the program. Placement on the program is not optional and is at the discretion of Nobacklog only. 

Pricing displayed on our marketing website is our standard pricing. Studios on the Senior Editing Program have a price levy (additional % fee) added to their account, and then pricing displayed within their Nexus account order form will be displayed including their levy. 

This program allows us to engage and retain the industry’s leading editors. 

Standby Edits

Nobacklog can ‘book out’ for a particular period of time. This means, there are no editors available to schedule incoming orders to. Nobacklog maintains the right to turn ON and OFF the Standby Edit feature at any point. Studios are advised during the ordering process if the order they are submitting has a project on it that will be marked as a Standby Edit. 

There is information in the Help Centre to define and assist studios in understanding the workflow of a Standby Edit. 

Studios that place orders which are marked as a Standby Edit understand there is zero guarantee Nobacklog will be able to schedule the project. Studio should always assume Nobacklog will not be able to complete a Standby Edit.

Nobacklog will contact you if an editing allotment becomes available and you may choose whether to accept. A 20% levy applies on the total project value if you accept a Standby Edit allotment. It is payable prior to the project starting.

Asset Deadline

Asset Deadlines are the most important date for you in Nexus. 

An Asset Deadline relates to you delivering Nobacklog Media, Music and Notes, for each film on each project. There is also a Payment Due Date for each project. These dates are the last possible day for you to deliver the relevant items without a films Estimated Delivery Date being pushed back. 

If you think you will miss an Asset Deadline or Payment Due Date, please advise us well in advance to minimise rescheduling impacts. 

If you continually miss Asset Deadlines or Payment Deadlines, a film may forfeit its editing allotment and be changed to a Standby Edit, or be cancelled, both of which are determined by Nobacklog. If this occurs, Nobacklog may not be able to edit for you in a reasonable time frame, and even if we can, the Standby Edit levy applies.

Project Scope

Nobacklog reserves the right to adjust the price of a project at any time, even during the editing phase of the project. We do this when the scope of the project increases, or is beyond our standard inclusions. Often, we are not aware of the scope of the project until we fully review media, notes or other written requests. Nobacklog provides standard pricing, which is displayed on our marketing website, and on the order form within Nexus. The standard pricing does not allow for “exclusions”, which may involve, but are not limited to: 

1) Additional footage from Rehearsal Dinners, a Pre-wedding shoot, Destination weddings, multi-day events, long wedding days that include several cultural events. 

2) 3+ camera operators being involved in capturing the day

3) Footage not from the videographer

4) Complex footage codecs from premium grade cameras not commonly used by the wedding industry, for example RED cameras.

5) Shooter error, including: “Careless” approach to capturing footage (such as cameras filming nothing), overly shaky footage or an abundance of shaky footage, abundance of, or incorrectly captured audio. 

Nobacklog will contact you to discuss the situation and to arrange a quotation for additional editing time or expertise required. Sometimes, there is ability to keep the original price is the scope can be reduced by ignoring an item or not completing an editing task. If you do not accept the fee, but the project has been started and you wish to cancel the project, Nobacklog has full discretion to determine and charge for costs already incurred. 

Raw Media Delivery

Raw media can be delivered to us via hard drive (courier delivery) or online (ie. Dropbox).

Online delivery: Our preferred method for online delivery is via Dropbox or Google Drive.

Once uploaded you then supply us the download link to the Media section of Nexus. We will contact you once the download is complete to advise of the files we have received. If anything is incorrect, please contact us as soon as possible.

Hard drive (courier delivery): Nobacklog will organize a courier pickup on your behalf via DHL. Ensure all media has been transferred properly to your hard drive to avoid editing delays. Make sure your hard drive is well protected. Usually the box you bought the hard drive in is sufficient, or plastic bubble wrap. DHL will provide a plastic satchel. To avoid excess courier fees, ensure your packaging is under the volumetric weight 120 or 8x5x3 inches. DHL charge not only on weight but on physical volume. Nobacklog will take all care of your hard drive, but will not be liable for any damage or hard drive failure.

Media must be provided by the Asset Deadline in order for us to meet the Estimated Delivery Date. We do not leverage additional fees on your studio if items are delivered later than expected. If we need to delay the starting date of your project due to factors that you are in control of, then your project may be pushed behind the project next in que. This means you could experience a 5-10 business day delay even if an item is delivered a single day later than the Asset Deadline.

There are currently no additional charges or discounts related to the type of files you provide (Proxy or 4K). This is subject to change in future, without prior notice.

Lead times

Our delivery times (lead times) vary depending on a few factors. We have a limited number of editors, and can 'book out' well in advance of wedding dates.

We suggest ordering with us as soon as you have a retainer from your client, and you are relatively sure you want Nobacklog to edit the project. There is no payment required at the time of order, and you can cancel, upgrade or downgrade any order before we start editing without penalty.

The home page of Nexus gives an estimate of the editing allotment availability we have, specific to your selected editing platform. For example, you can see an 8 month chart showing how busy Nobacklog is with Premiere Pro projects, per month. This information in general in nature, and does not apply specifically to availability for any one client.

Availability of editors is the primary element that dictates lead times. Beyond this, other elements effect lead times including:

  • How many projects you are trying to order
  • How many projects you already have in your schedule
  • Whether you’re on the Master Editor program
  • If there are specific editors that must do your projects

The order form also provides information about potential delays, such as the Standby Edit program that may or may not be active at the time of your order.

A film is not accepted as ‘booked with Nobacklog’ until you see an Estimated Delivery Date range in Nexus. This date indicates when we should be delivering the first version of a film. We understand the schedule more accurately as time advances, so we may adjust an Estimated Delivery Date at any time, but especially as the project comes near completion. We will advise you via email if we delay an Estimated Delivery Date. It is your responsibly to login to Nexus to check Estimated Delivery Dates – emails are not always successfully received.

Estimated Delivery Date is not a guaranteed delivery. Nobacklog will not be liable for any costs associated with a late delivery. Please allow sufficient time with your client to accommodate a late delivery, or the review process between your studio and Nobacklog. If you are not responsive, or slow to respond to our questions, or miss an Asset or Payment Due Date, then the Estimated Delivery Date may change, and substantially. Our role is a creative process and there are potential technical issues unique to a project, Nobacklog is unable to guarantee any specific lead time.

Studio Profile

Due to the creativity of the editing process, and the technical nature of post-production, Nobacklog needs to understand your style and preferences. It is a requirement that you complete your Studio Profile with as much detail as practical.

Creative Freedom

By signing this agreement, you are granting trust and latitude of freedom for Nobacklog to edit the films to the best of our ability and closest to the style of work possible you have provided. 

By completing your Studio Profile, and adding editing notes unique to each project, you help ensure the most favourable outcome. 

Nobacklog will match you with the most suitable editor available. To help ensure you receive a consistent outcome, we will do our best to match you with the same editor for each project. We cannot guarantee however the same editor will be available to you every time. To improve the likelihood of working with your editor consistently, please book projects as far in advance as practical – we recommend as soon as you have a retainer from your client. 


Your Studio Profile provides three standard options related to music: 

1) Nobacklog selects from Musicbed

2) You provide per film, uploading to Nexus

3) You upload a library to your Nexus Studio Profile

If you provide us watermarked music for a project, we can swap at a later date to non-watermarked versions without charge as part of the standard Revision Process. 

If you request Nobacklog selects the song for a film, either from Musicbed, your profile or another list you provide, and then you later request a change to songs in your revision request, please note: Nobacklog will not second a song a second time. When you request a song change, to a song we selected, you must advise us of a specific replacement song. If you would like us to select a second time, fees apply. 

Music licensing

Nobacklog is not responsible or liable for licensing of music, unless it has been provided by us through MusicBed. You are held responsible for licensing music in your completed films if required by law in your country. You need to check that the MusicBed licence we supply to you is relevant for the ways in which you distribute and share films. 

For each project in which we supply any music we select from Musicbed, we will supply: 

1) The music file

2) The Musicbed SyncID code

3) A PDF of the lisence agreement 

Nobacklog will supply Musicbed with your studio name, your website, and your clients first names in order to complete the Musicbed lisence to the legal standards they require. 

Not all tracks on Musicbed are available for provision by Nobacklog. Only tracks on the "subscription roster" are available from Nobacklog at no fee. If you ask us to source a track that is not included in the "subscription roster", we can only provide a watermarked version, and we can't provide a license (additional costs apply if you want us to provide a licensed version without watermark).

Return of completed films

Nexus has a sophisticated system for Preview, Revision, Approval and Delivery of films on each project.

You will be notified via email for each version of an individual film that is Ready for Preview. If your account is paid, as per our Terms, we release all assets, including a project file.

Nobacklog renders low resolution, low bit rate films for Preview in SmartReview. Not all film selections within the ordering process include a rendered Preview in SmartReview. For some types of films, typically long films, unless selected otherwise in your order, you will need to open the project file and review the film. SmartReview will still be available for the Revision Request process, even without a rendered Preview.

We only provide a rendering service for high resolution “Exported” versions of the film if selected within the ordering process. If your raw media was delivered to us on hard drive, we reserve the option to keep your hard drive until ALL projects on the hard drive have been Completed. We do not provide any files we have created on the return hard drive (for example, project files or rendered films). Hard drives are returned to you with exactly the same contents you sent to us – we only use it to access and download your files to our server. Our return file delivery process is purely digital and completed within Nexus, using associated services such as Dropbox.

Media Archive

It is your responsibility to ensure you have complete backups of all media before sending us files online or on a hard drive. Nobacklog is not a media backup service.

It is highly recommended you have files stored at multiple locations at all times, not including files sent to us. Nobacklog will take care of files provided to us, but will not be responsible for loss or damage of media. 

We reserve the right to, with no liability, at any time during the production process, re-request any assets on unlimited occasions, in order to deliver our service. 

As the size of raw footage is considerable, Nobacklog may delete it quickly after a project is no longer considered in-production. 

Nobacklog clients must download all provided project files within 30 days of a film being Archived. 

Nobacklog will not request your approval, and not advise you when we remove files. It’s critical that you download all files within 30 days of project Archive (regardless of whether you manually Archived the project, or Nexus automatically Archived without your approval).

If you are unresponsive to communications from Nobacklog, projects process through Approval, Delivery, Completion and Archive processes automatically. Nobacklog clients have full responsibility to regularly check for email communications from Nobacklog, and login to Nexus regularly to access files. Nobacklog has no responsibility or liability to follow up clients to provide project deliverables.


The relationship between your studio and Nobacklog is strictly confidential. All information and media shared with Nobacklog is kept private and not shared with any other party without your consent.

All footage, completed edited films, and project files remain copyright to your studio. Nobacklog only acts on behalf of your studio to complete the post-production process. No attribute or recognition by you to us is required. If Nobacklog would like to use any of your footage or completed works as promotional material, we will always ask for your permission first.

After approval of each film, you will be asked to review films, and occasionally, our service generally. All feedback provided is confidential, but may be shared with people employed by Nobacklog.


Nobacklog has a sophisticated system for accepting, tracking and managing payments that provides many benefits to our clients. 

Nobacklog does not accept payment at the time of project order. We need to review our capacity to deliver your order and understand if the charges applied are correct, given that your studio may need to be placed on the Senior Editor Program (for example). 

Once a project is scheduled and an Estimated Delivery Date is set, Nexus will display a Payment Due Date. Payment on a project is restricted to within three weeks of the Payment Due Date. This is because clients may cancel, upgrade, downgrade or otherwise adjust the order. Nobacklog does not require payment to schedule and secure the order. If you see an Estimated Delivery Date in Nexus, you can be assured Nobacklog has accepted the project and secured an editing allotment. 

Our payment facilities offered depend on a range of factors, and Nobacklog reserves the right to delete, modify or require certain payment methods. 

If you request a change to a project after payment has been made, that results in additional fees, we may invoice you via PayPal outside of Nexus. If you request a change that results in a refund being due, Nobacklog reserves the right to move this credit to another unpaid upcoming project, instead of refund you.

Refunds are only made to the original payment method.

Modifying Orders


Nobacklog does not accept payment at the time of order. The system will request payment as the edit starting date approaches.

You can upgrade, downgrade or cancel any film on any order, without penalty or cost as long as the edit has not started. If you have paid, Nobacklog provides a 100% refund on any cancellation request, as long as the edit has not begun. Once an edit has begun, Nobacklog reserves the right to withhold any amount, up to 100% of the total fee for the cancelled item.

This cancellation policy applies to any type of order, but requires the refund occurs via the same payment method and account (credit card etc.).

Cancellation of a film, project or order can be made by commenting on the Activity Board, or emailing our team: [email protected]

 Edit Priority

Editing priority can be changed by contacting our team. Please note, if you request a change in priority, it may delay expected turnaround times for another project in que.

Rewards Program

As a Nobacklog customer, you automatically join and receive points on our Rewards Program. The program provides discounts on the price of services. 

Discounts are calculated and applied at the time of payment (not the time of ordering). Nexus will look at your Rewards Program discount entitlement at the time of payment, and apply the discount. 

Nexus may calculate and display potential savings within the ordering process, however the actual discount is only calculated and applied at the time of payment. 

Every $1 USD spent equals 1 loyalty reward point. Automatic calculations occur to apply reward points for other currencies. Points are earnt and applied to your balance at the time of payment (not at the time of order). Points expire 365 days after you earn them.  


To see how the Rewards Program applies to your account, visit the menu option titled "Rewards Program" in your Nexus account. 

Nobacklog reserves the right to adjust or remove the Rewards Program at any time, without notice. Rewards are not redeemable for cash, and are not transferable. 

Nexus Functionality

Your studios information in Nexus is kept private and secure.

Some elements of Nexus contain complex calculations. While comprehensive testing has already been carried out, please be aware that the occasional unexpected error or miscalculation may still occur. Nobacklog will continue to resolve any unexpected bugs in the system as required. Please inform us immediately if you think there is information that is incorrect. We reserve the right to charge additional fees for errors in calculations that result in under-charging of services.

Fair Use Revision Process

Nobacklog allows you to submit Revision Requests in order to provide a film that meets the stylistic guidelines of your studio and is consistent with your catalogue of films. 

The pricing of the product permits for three rounds (sets) of revisions within 30 days of delivery of the first version of a film. Please consider:

  1. 30 days after we send the first version of the film, the revision process closes. This means that Nexus will automatically mark the film as Approved, and you will not be entitled to additional rounds of revisions within the original price paid for the product. 
  2. The film will be auto-approved regardless of how many rounds of revisions have been completed. For example, if you have not been available to review the film for 30 days, version 1 may auto-Approve and you are not entitled to receive any revisions without Reactivating the Film. 
  3. If the 30 days lapses during the process of delivering an updated version, when the updated version is delivered, it will be auto-approved. 
  4. The 30 days does not reset when we deliver an updated version. It is fixed at the date we delivered the first version. 
  5. Nobacklog is not required to remind you about the 30 day closure. Nexus will send emails to advise of the initial delivery of the film, although unsuccessful delivery of this email will not entitle a studio to Reactivate a film without fees. Studios must regularly login to Nexus when they have active projects. 

When you are submitting revisions, you are required to:

  1. Promptly provide revision requests, to complete all revision rounds you require prior to the 30-day cut-off 
  2. Be comprehensive with each round of revision requests 
  3. Be descriptive and provide constructive feedback 
  4. Click the Submit Revision button before exiting SmartReview 
  5. Ensure that the timestamp feature is working, and advise us of any technical issues with SmartReview 

When requesting a song change request:

  1. If Nobacklog selected the song for you, if you require a song change, Nobacklog does not select a second time. Please provide the name of the replacement song you’d like from Musicbed, or provide the song track itself. 
  2. If you selected the song and then require Nobacklog change the song in a revision request: 
    1. for Highlight Films, we reserve the right to charge an addition editing fee, 
    2. for Full Length films, we will do this request on one round per film without charge. 

Turn-around times on Revisions:

  1. The typical turnaround time for 10-15 revision requests on a 5 minute Creative Highlight film without color services is 4-6 business days. 
  2. Turn around times differ, and are subject to: the type of film, the number and difficultly of revisions requests, holiday closures, editor availability, colourist availability. 

You may need to ‘Reactivate’ a film in Nexus.

This occurs when the film status has manually, or automatically been moved to Approved, Completed or Archived. Reactivating, involves reversal to a previous Status of the film, such as Preview Ready, allowing you to submit revisions again. Regardless of whether you manually Approved a film, or if Nexus automatically Approved a film (subject to the terms above), Nobacklog reserves the right to charge a fee for Reactivation. You can assume a minimum fee of $100 USD. Depending on the number and complexity of revisions, whether Nobacklog still has media files, or other factors, the charge for Reactivation can be higher. 

Technical vs subjective revision requests: 

  1. Subject to the other terms above, Nobacklog will complete without limitation, technical revisions. 
  2. Subject to the other terms above, Nobacklog limits subjective, stylistic revision requests. Nobacklog will achieve a film that replicates the information you have provided in your Profile. Nobacklog is not required to research your studio beyond information provided in your Profile. Nobacklog will only complete one round of revision requests that appear to originate from the wedding couple. This round of revision requests is limited to 20 individual requests. Nobacklog will not “re-work” an entire film unless it is substantially different from information provided in your Profile. 

Nobacklog supports clients by providing revision services, however as per the terms above, sometimes studios will be liable to pay additional fees for these services. 

Should Nobacklog deem that subject to the terms above, your requests do not meet our described limitations, we reserve the right to discontinue further revisions, and consider the process complete, without liability.

Senior Editor Program

Nobacklog collaborates with a wide variety of wedding studios from around the world.

We continually monitor the technical, stylistic, creative and workflow needs of each unique client. This allows us to deliver a reliable and quality service that meets your needs. Some studios have more complex requirements, that exceed average industry requirements, including but not limited to: 

  • Creative and stylistic approaches in the edit to achieve premium wedding films
  • Technical editing preferences
  • Workflow requirements
  • Shooting approaches that result in a more complex edit
  • File size and camera settings 

These categories above cause both additional time required by the editor, and higher degrees of editing expertise. The Senior Editing Program from Nobacklog pairs the most talented editors on our team with studios that require above-average editing outcomes. 

Often, it can take a few projects with Nobacklog to establish whether a studio needs to be placed on the Senior Editor Program. For other clients, we're able to advise before collaborating that you'll need to be placed on the Senior Edtior Program. Established clients may also be advised they are required to move onto the program. Placement on the program is not optional and is at the discretion of Nobacklog only. 

Pricing displayed on our marketing website is our standard pricing. Studios on the Senior Editing Program have a price levy (additional % fee) added to their account, and then pricing displayed within their Nexus account order form will be displayed including their levy. 

This program allows us to engage and retain the industry’s leading editors. 

Standby Edits

Nobacklog can ‘book out’ for a particular period of time. This means, there are no editors available to schedule incoming orders to. Nobacklog maintains the right to turn ON and OFF the Standby Edit feature at any point. Studios are advised during the ordering process if the order they are submitting has a project on it that will be marked as a Standby Edit. 

There is information in the Help Centre to define and assist studios in understanding the workflow of a Standby Edit. 

Studios that place orders which are marked as a Standby Edit understand there is zero guarantee Nobacklog will be able to schedule the project. Studio should always assume Nobacklog will not be able to complete a Standby Edit.

Nobacklog will contact you if an editing allotment becomes available and you may choose whether to accept. A 20% levy applies on the total project value if you accept a Standby Edit allotment. It is payable prior to the project starting.

Asset Deadline

Asset Deadlines are the most important date for you in Nexus. 

An Asset Deadline relates to you delivering Nobacklog Media, Music and Notes, for each film on each project. There is also a Payment Due Date for each project. These dates are the last possible day for you to deliver the relevant items without a films Estimated Delivery Date being pushed back. 

If you think you will miss an Asset Deadline or Payment Due Date, please advise us well in advance to minimise rescheduling impacts. 

If you continually miss Asset Deadlines or Payment Deadlines, a film may forfeit its editing allotment and be changed to a Standby Edit, or be cancelled, both of which are determined by Nobacklog. If this occurs, Nobacklog may not be able to edit for you in a reasonable time frame, and even if we can, the Standby Edit levy applies.

Project Scope

Nobacklog reserves the right to adjust the price of a project at any time, even during the editing phase of the project. We do this when the scope of the project increases, or is beyond our standard inclusions. Often, we are not aware of the scope of the project until we fully review media, notes or other written requests. Nobacklog provides standard pricing, which is displayed on our marketing website, and on the order form within Nexus. The standard pricing does not allow for “exclusions”, which may involve, but are not limited to: 

1) Additional footage from Rehearsal Dinners, a Pre-wedding shoot, Destination weddings, multi-day events, long wedding days that include several cultural events. 

2) 3+ camera operators being involved in capturing the day

3) Footage not from the videographer

4) Complex footage codecs from premium grade cameras not commonly used by the wedding industry, for example RED cameras.

5) Shooter error, including: “Careless” approach to capturing footage (such as cameras filming nothing), overly shaky footage or an abundance of shaky footage, abundance of, or incorrectly captured audio. 

Nobacklog will contact you to discuss the situation and to arrange a quotation for additional editing time or expertise required. Sometimes, there is ability to keep the original price is the scope can be reduced by ignoring an item or not completing an editing task. If you do not accept the fee, but the project has been started and you wish to cancel the project, Nobacklog has full discretion to determine and charge for costs already incurred.